15 Things to Do This Weekend in Lanzarote

15 Things to Do This Weekend in Lanzarote

5. III Pumpkin Sculpture Competition. Biosfera Plaza.

Sculpt the most terrifying pumpkin and win! This saturday is the Pupmkin competition (adult) at the Biosfera Plaza Shopping Center at 7:30 pm. Prize is 200€ + McDonald's Menú.

6. V Festival "Palabras al Vuelo" of Lanzarote

The 5th "Palabras al Vuelo" Festival will be held until this Sunday, 22 October, in Arrecife, Teguise and San Bartolomé.

The shows will take place in theatres, libraries, civic centres, schools, volcanoes and on board a boat. You can see the pdf with the complete program here.

7. Hike at Sunset in Famara. San Bartolome.

 San Bartolome organizes a "Hike at Sunset in Famara" for this Saturday, at 5:00 pm. Price is 5 €.

8. II Caminamos contra el Cáncer

On Sunday, 22nd October, the II edition of "We Walk Against Cancer" will take place, from the Charco de San Ginés, at 10:00 am. The registration fee of 10€ includes: walk, handkerchief, food and dance. AFOL's solidarity event will feature the performance of "5th generation" and "Batucada Woman Batuca".

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