6 Things to Do This Weekend in Lanzarote

6 Things to Do This Weekend in Lanzarote

This weekend you can't miss the traditional Romería de los Dolores, The 1 Piano & 200 candles' Concert, the Swim Open Water Crossing at El Reducto and so much more. As always, in HolaLanzarote we tell you about the Best Things To Do This Weekend in Lanzarote, because there are always options to enjoy your Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Lanzarote.
If you want to know more, just keep reading...

1. Concert: 1 Piano & 200 Velas

This friday you can enjoy the amazing "1 Piano & 200 Candles" Concert at San Gabriel's Castle in Arrecife, at 9:00 pm. CoLa explanada del Castillo de San Gabriel en Arrecife será el escenario perfecto para alojar una increíble banda sonora en la noche de este viernes a las 21:00 horas. David Gomez, concert pianist and composer, will give a concert themed Morricone, Granados, Piazzolla and David himself.


2. Jameos Music Festival 2016

This is the last sesion and we really hope you have your ticket, so you can enjoy the amazing Jameos Music Festival at Jameos del Agua, tonight. For the last musical show there will be John Morales & The Legendary Paul Trouble Anderson  + Marcos Flores + Nacho Larache + Sylvia Kas. 

3. Fiestas de Los Dolores - Mancha Blanca, Tinajo 2016

Mancha Blanca celebrates the Fiestas de Los Dolores. Tonight will start with the Folkloric Meeting XXVIII Encuentro Folclórico Nanino Díaz Cutillas, with the Folkloric Associations: A. F. Sabinosa (El Hierro), Los Granjeros (Gran Canaria) and A. F. Rubicón de Lanzarote. After that, the Popular Verbena will start up to 2:00 am.

But Saturday, it's one of the most important events of these festivities: the Romeria de los Dolores, the traditional walk in honor of Virgen de Los Dolores qill start at 7:00 pm with music, tradicional dresses, devotion, and more.

On Sunday September 11 at 11:00 am will be the exhibition of old cars. While at 7:00pm, you'll enjoy the performance of the Municipal School of Music Tinajo. And at 8:30 pm Children's playback.

4. Fiestas del Cristo de las Aguas - Guatiza 2016

Guatiza is celebrating the "Fiestas del Cristo de las Aguas 2016". Here's the schedule for the weekend:

Friday, September 9

6:00 pm. Huaraches workshop stained with cochineal.

9:00 pm. XII Soloists Meeting Cristo de las Aguas 2016.


Saturday, September 10

9:00 pm. Performance of "Los Granjeros de Montaña Cardones" (Arucas/Gran Canarias).

Then bring your timple and guitar and go for a "Parrandeo" at El Ventorillo.


Sunday, September 11

10:00 am. III Milla Solidaria (Solidarity mile). Register 30 minutes before with nonperishable food.

Then, "La hora del Baño" (Time for a bath). Bring your sponge, shampoo and towel.

9:00 pm. "Quiero ser... ye-ye". Show organized by the village youth.

5. Arts & Crafts Workshop: "Get Ready for Back To School". Biosfera Plaza

This Friday September 9 at 7:30 pm, Biosfera Plaza Shopping Center offers a free craft workshop "Get Ready for Back to School". Make your own notebook, pencil and pencil-case. registration required +34 629 818 455. Maximum capacity:30 people. Location: 2nd floor. 


6. VII Copa de Natación en Aguas Abiertas: Travesía a nado El Reducto


On Sunday, as part of the VII Open Water Swimming Cup Lanzarote 2016, there will be the Swim crossing at El Reducto Beach at 11:30 am in Arrecife.

There's no doubt, There are always a lot of things to do in Lanzarote on weekends. Also, this weekend, you can go to a few exhibits like: HILAR FINO Yaiza 2016"Feliz en el Charco", by Chico Esteban "CHESS" and Pphotographic exhibition by Manuel Fuentes at El Aljibe in Haría. If you want to know more about the events in Lanzarote, don't forget to like us on facebook and follow our Calendar, wher eyou can find the best things to do on the island.

Have a Lovely Weekend! :) 

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